Other Stuff
Things that didn't fit in with stuff on other pages.

Service Regions
▪ Far and Wide (bigger than the map shows) ▪
I am based in the Sacramento, California Region. My clients range far and wide; from Vancouver, WA in the north, south to the Imperial Valley, CA, west to Danville, CA, and east all the way to the SEC, Auburn, AL. I seldom travel to those far away locations, instead I provide services remotely.
Most of the work I do is done remotely from client locations.
Sacramento Region
Gold Country
Bay Area
Wine Country
Other Cities
Rural Areas
Distant Lands
The Imperial Valley CA
If you don’t see your city or region listed, I also serve clients in those ‘in-between places’ too.
If you’re viewing this on a mobile device or tablet the above Image Map doesn’t work very well. I’m working on some custom script and CSS code to correct it.
A Unique Combination
▪ The sum of what I offer to clients is more than the total ▪
That is to say, the combination of my skill sets is unique in the world. And that is something I deliver to my clients more than any other single person can.
Computer Technican
Computer Technician
Engineer: Someone that works in a multitude of different vocations, including electronics, computers, chemicals, and many more. For me it was Mechanical Engineering.
Mechanic: A person who repairs automobiles, trucks, planes, etc. in several industries, including automotive, heavy machinery, aviation, and many more. I worked my way through college as a mechanic repairing European cars, including Volkswagen, BMW, Saab, Volvo, and Mercedes, with some Japanese models such at Toyota, Nissan, Subaru, and Mazda.
A Unique Set of Skills
Computer Technician + Mechanical Engineer, multiplied by Mechanic is Me
I'm what happens when one combines a Computer Technician and Engineer who also happens to be a Mechanic. First it's mechanical engineering, my computer degree is only an associates degree. And yes, I'm also an ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) Master Auto Technician. Even though I haven't been in the automotive industry since the 1990s, I still maintain my Master Technician status.
Human Resources
Successful Businesses Needs
▪ Delivering a wide range of skill sets ▪

Stuff I Like to Do
▪ I really enjoy a challenge - Tough stuff doesn't bother me ▪
If Google can have animated stuff, so can I.
What’s impossible for others is easy for me.
A Brief History
▪ Foundational knowledge is a good thing ▪
I have been in the computer industry for over a quarter of a century. More if you include the computer stuff I did as a kid (nothing bad, never hacked into the Pentagon or anything like that).
Over several decades, I have acquired a wide range of skill sets. Some things I’ve learned through classic education. But the most valuable expertise I have acquired is through experience. That takes time and effort, which is something I also devote to each and every one of my clients.
Small and medium size business need someone with a wide range of experience who can do it all. Someone that can handle anything. That’s me.
Fair Warning
▪ This website is far from finished ▪
Where, oh where, does the time go?
The reason this site isn’t complete is because of lack of time. My primary focus is on the work I do for my clients, so over the span of years, this site still hasn’t been finished. I’m not making an excuse, just stating the facts of the circumstances. And of course I’m mentioning all of this so you don’t look at something on this website that isn’t complete or see something missing and think badly of me. I’ll get it finished one day. But until then, please forgive the state of everything and remember, I’m devoting most of my time to my clients.

Writing & Content
▪ My contributions to the internet and world ▪
Below are a few of the many articles I've written over the past several years. Clicking on the links will open a new tab on your web browser.
- 5268ac and OpenWRT
- AC Series Recommended Software and Utilities
- APC AP9211 VS AP9217
- APC MasterSwitch AP9211 AP9217 AP9606
- APC SmartUPS with AP9617
- A Short Discussion on NGFF M.2 NVMe
- Apache (HTTPD); Ownership and File & Directory Permissions
- Asterisk and FreePBX MOH Music on Hold
- Blocking IP Address Ranges in CIDR
- CentOS 7 Installation
- CentOS 7 and LVM Disk Drives
- Certbot with Apache
- Compiling on OpenWRT
- Console Message for OpenWRT and Reducing or Eliminating
- Convert WindowsImage PS1 File
- DDWRT and Saving an EXT2 Installation
- DDWRT and Swap Files
- DFS Distributed File System
- DPLTest
- Daemon Tools
- Dante Server
- De Brick or Un Bricking a WRT Series Router
- Default OpenWRT Configuration for Samba 4
- Dell PowerConnect 7048
- Desktop Icons with Desktop Save and Restore
- Directory Opus Column Size
- EXtplorer on OpenWRT
- Elementor and WordPress
- Embed Test
- Entware Installation on DD-WRT
- Find Command
- Firefox SessionStore and Tabs
- Fonts and Having it Your Way
- Galaxy Tab 2 10 (Ten Point One)
- Geographic Location for Web Browsers
- GetSSL for DDWRT
- Google Notes
- Google Search Annoyances
- HP MicroServer Gen8
- HP Mini 311
- HyperV; Copying or Moving a Virtual Machine
- HyperV Virtual Disk Size Reduction with CloneZilla
- HyperV and Reducing Size of CentOS Guest using GParted
- IPTables
- ISpy and Older Cameras
- Icon Arrangement in Windows 10 or Server 2016
- Installing CPAN on OpenWRT
- JavaScript, Internet Explorer, and Old Web Browsers via Yoast
- LaView – RTSP
- LetsEncrypt with ACME on OpenWRT
- Linksys 32X VS 32XB
- Linksys AC Series Router Configuration Tips for OpenWRT: This is a big one, almost book size. It includes content from other articles using the MediaWiki ‘INCLUDE’ statement, which are some double curly brackets, a colon, and the article name ( {{:What_Ever_Article_Name}} ). Sorry, I can’t stop the writer in me sometimes.
- Linksys WRT1200AC, WRT1900AC, WRT1900ACS, and WRT3200ACM Purchasing Information
- Linksys WRT AC Series Router Networking with OpenWRT
- Magic Zoom (MagicZoom) and Yoast Sitemaps
- Main Page
- MediaWIKI Upgrade
- MediaWiki Visual Editor Parsoid 404 Error
- MediaWiki and Hyphens and Periods
- MediaWiki with Parsoid Error 60
- Media Library Assistant
- Mediawiki and Uploading Files
- Move a Wordpress Website
- Move a Wordpress Website Manually
- Multiple images
- NTFS 3G Issues with OpenWRT
- Network Command Cheat Sheet
- OPKG Update Error
- On Board Diagnostics
- OpenVPN on CentOS VS DD-WRT or OpenWRT
- OpenVPN on OpenWRT
- OpenWRT BIND NAMED Addendum
- OpenWRT BackUp and Recovery
- OpenWRT Build System for CentOS 7
- OpenWRT Command Line Prompt via SSH
- OpenWRT Cross Compiling
- OpenWRT DNS Upgrade for BIND or NAMED
- OpenWRT LuCI GUI with UHTTPD using HTTPS
- OpenWRT MWAN Failover
- OpenWRT NMAP Utility
- OpenWRT Samba Scare on WAN
- OpenWRT Tethering
- OpenWRT WINS with Samba
- OpenWRT and Compiling
- Organizing WordPress
- Outlook AutoDiscover Certificates and Exchange Server
- Outlook Dismissed Reminder
- PhpMyAdmin Tips
- PowerConnect 2808
- PowerConnect 6000 Series Update and Commands
- Restic for OpenWRT
- SEO (with tips for MediaWiki and WordPress)
- SEO Basics
- SQL Command to Update Announcement Color for WordPress
- SS5 SOCKS Proxy
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10 point 1 and other LineageOS Tablets
- Screen Size for Linux
- SecureCRT
- Security for Mediawiki with Apache
- Serial Port Communication on Linksys AC Series with OpenWRT
- Serial TTL Cable and Connectors
- Stop 0x7B
- TTL Connector for Linksys AC Series Routers
- Timeline Express Pro Modifications
- Timeline Express and fixing the Internet Explorer Opacity Issue
- Tooltipy
- U Boot for WRT Series
- VLC – Extracting Audio from a Video File
- WRT1900AC, WRT1900ACS, and WRT3200ACM Routers, SoS ( CPU ), and Hardware
- WRT3200ACM 88W8887 Third Radio
- WRT Router Series Monit
- WRT Router Series Wireless Client Bridge Mode with OpenWRT
- WRT Series COPY MTD Partitions
- Webmin OS List
- Webmin on Entware for DD-WRT
- Windows 10 Update
- Windows Active Network Type
- Windows Network and Sharing Center
- Windows Search Confused After Disk Clone
- Windows WINS and Network Neighborhood
- Windows Wakeup and Sleep
- Windows and the Stupid Checkbox for Opening Downloaded Files
- WordPress 2014 Theme Modification
- WordPress Child Themes
- WordPress Classic Editor Font
- WordPress CleanUp
- WordPress Comments within Page or Post Body
- WordPress Custom JSS and CS Pro
- WordPress General Useful Plugins
- WordPress Image Control
- WordPress Images
- WordPress Manual Upgrade for Experts
- WordPress Media Thumbnail Images Issue
- WordPress Modifications
- WordPress Permalink Manager Plugin
- WordPress Plugin Searches
- WordPress Plugin with Issue using Serialized Data
- WordPress Tips and Recommendations
- WordPress Tweaks
- WordPress TwentyFourteen Modifications
- WordPress and Copying or Cloning a Website Manually
- WordPress and Privacy
- WordPress on OpenWRT
- Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin Compatibility and Configuration Tips
- Yoast and SiteMap Index XML
- 99.9%
- A Conversation with a Child on Spelling the Days of the Week
- A Lie or Half Truth
- A One in a Million Shot
- A Small Piece of Movie History
- Adventures with a 2010 Volkswagen Tiguan S ( 2.0 l 16V TSI Turbo Charged EA888 Engine Family Generation 1 – Part I
- Adventures with a 2010 Volkswagen Tiguan S ( 2.0 l 16V TSI Turbo Charged EA888 Engine Family Generation 1 – Part II
- Adventures with a 2010 Volkswagen Tiguan S ( 2.0 l 16V TSI Turbo Charged EA888 Engine Family Generation 1 – Part III
- Backmasking
- Bandwidth Lies
- Beauty and the Beast
- Breaking Bad – White Household
- Classic Shell and KickStarter
- Comedy with a Concrete Block
- Delorian – Full Time Circuit Console Display
- Environmental Profiling
- Fast Food Driving
- Flashback Buffalo
- Flights and Teachers
- Good Deed for the Day
- Guilty Gift
- How Come the Majority of Tow Trucks and Rollbacks in California are Yellow?
- I’m Sorry
- Jamiroquai
- KickStarter; The Adventure Begins
- Kindle
- Lab Rat Kindergarten and Automatic BBs
- Let’s Go Buffalo!
- Locked Out
- Lost and Found
- Lucky in Financing
- Man in the High Castle – A Granular Issue
- Maximum Night
- Mr. Harriman
- Never Give Up
- Pandas
- Play Call of the Century
- Pool Disillusion
- Pride and Prejudice
- Ready Player One and Price
- Sacramento River
- Shipping Decision
- Slower
- Spare the Air
- Stingray and Good Deeds
- Stuff I Learned in Boy Scouts
- Tense Up
- Terminator Genisys – Continuity Error
- The English Language and Comedy
- The Future Looking into the Past…
- Today’s Writing Exercise
- Turbo (the movie)
- Twins
- Typing
- Wal-Mart & Sam’s Club
- Water Leaks and Google Earth
- Weights and Stuff
- Went, Gone, Go, or Goes Missing VS Disappeared
- Wikipedia Contribution
- WikiWand – An Abomination